Gospel Center


Welcome to our site !


The Christian Assembly les Béatitudes (ACB - the Beatitudes)

is a local Evangelist church , in Marseilles, member of the federation Ensemble dans la Mission Apostolique (EMA - Together in the Apostolic Mission), with an affiliation to the Conseil national des Evangélistes de France (CNEF - National Council of French Evangelists).

Our ACB team would be delighted to meet you, whether you are a visitor or wish to join our assembly. We will welcome you for breakfast, and share moments of talks about God’s gospel and about prayers. Our church, at human scale, allows anyone to find their own place, whatever their age, nationality or social status.

Pastor André QUIMFUMU

Phone : 0033 6 50 64 90 09

Timetable of Meetings

Mass : Sunday, 10:00 - 12:00am

Prayers : Tuesday, 7 - 8:30pm

Strengthening : Saturday, 10:30am (every two weeks)


To find us


51 boulevard Sakakini

transmission lines

Several transport services have an access to Boulevard Sakakini:

- Metro 1: metro station Timone or Blancarde
- Tram T1 : tram stop Jean Martin
- Bus 72: bus stop Sakakini Chave.

Follow us

You can join us and find all our activities on our Facebook and Instagram pages, where we gladly share our values, experiences and faith.