
Strengthening meetings

The Christian Assembly Les Béatitudes proposes some biblical studies to train the Christians and make them mature disciples of Jesus Christ.

Paul asserts that :

« The whole Gospel is inspired by God and is useful to teach, convince, straighten and educate with justice, in order to help the man of God adapt and be prepared for all good work » (v.16-17).

Our goal is to look for a spiritual enhancement to live a happy life through service to others as his disciples.. Une exploration approfondie de la Bible est essentielle pour mûrir spirituellement et pour accompagner le disciple au quotidien dans une vie alignée au diapason de Dieu. Les études d’affermissement ont ainsi le double objectif de conduire à la connaissance de la Parole et de produire une foi plus profonde.

 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4.6

The meetings are scheduled on two bases:

  • for the beginners: 1 Saturday per month, at 10:00am
  • For the more advanced: 1 Saturday per month, at 10:00am

The meetings of enhancement are free and open to all.  


prayer meetings

Altogether in our prayers and in faith, the Christians touch the heart of God and make him act in his almightiness.

For where two or three are reunited in his name, I am with them. Matthew 18.20

It is after the common perseverance within the prayers of his disciples that the fire fell from the sky, after the book of Acts 2. The ACB believes in the almighty and the action of the Holly Spirit resulting from the deep prayers of the righteous, just like in the times of the very first Church. 

The prayer « Our Father » is an invitation to ask for our daily bread. Guided by this beautiful prayer of Jesus, the different personal issues the Christians of the ACB are confronted to are present next to God. This also helps intercede on the behalf of our Church, ministries and activities. Then, « Pray for all men » is written in the Bible. Marseilles, France and other far missionary lands are brought to God’s Throne of Grace.

A prayer meeting is scheduled each Tuesday night, from 7 to 8:30pm.

The Children in the Church

The aim of the Sunday School is to bring the children to their personal knowledge of salvation in Jesus Christ and to lay the foundations of God’s Gospel..  

Adapted to the children, God’s Gospel is transmitted in an attractive and ludic way. The teaching is an essential element for their growth and development in the Church. Nevertheless, it is still complementary and does not interfere with the parents responsibility to teach the child God’s ways.

Teach the child by considering their own road to follow; and when they are old, they will never turn their back to it. Proverbs 22.6

The Sunday School is available to the children, from three to ten years old, on Sunday mornings during mass. The monitors are committed in the Church’s life within the Christian Assembly les Béatitudes.


Teens in the Church

The club for teenagers proposes a morning of sharing, in the spirit of conviviality, by talking about present subjects regarding the youngsters.  

This is an opportunity to share, and the monitors are here to answer all problematics experienced by the teens with the light of God’s Gospel. These fundamental aspects of the Christian life are also explained.

The monitors of the ACB think that the teenagers have all their places in the Body of Christ and are committed to help the enhancement of their talents and their emerging gifts.

The club for teenagers is available for the youngsters, 1 Sunday morning par month.