We are an evangelical church


The Christian Assembly les Béatitudes (ACB) acknowledges Jesus Christ as their Lord, Savior and Master, the only mediator between God and men.

After the Holly Gospels, salvation through Jesus’ crucifixion can be found by the sole grace of our God, and never through our efforts or our merits.

The ACB is based on the education of the Bible (Old & New Testaments), which is the solid foundation of the Church, nourished by the actions of the Holly Spirit.

The mains missions of the Christian Assembly les Béatitudes are:

  • To celebrate the evangelical cult
  • To preach and propagate the Gospel such as it is in the Bible
  • To educate
  • To support and participate to the missions of evangelization
  • To participate to the formation and support of the servants of the Lord
  • To participate to the necessary costs of the development of the local Church

The vision of the Christian Assembly les Béatitudes (ACB)

The vision of the Church, motivated by the love of our Lord, is to work for the enhancement of God’s Realm.


Announcing the Evangel

God’s will is for us to grow in his love, grandly known in Jesus Christ, in order to make everyone shiver of an indescribable joy, to win the prize of faith, which is the salvation of our souls. The ACB members play their part by evangelizing locally to accomplish Our Lord’s will.

 Travel the World and go preach the Gospel to the whole creation. Marc 16.15

Forming disciples

Faithful to the Holly Gospels, the members of the ACB have committed themselves to answer the need of spiritual growth and profound knowledge of Our God. In order to live our faith, we need to bestow our time upon the enhancement of the comprehension of Our King and Celestial Father, through the training and study of the Lord’s Gospel we like to serve. 

Make all nations disciples… teach them everything I taught you.. Matthew 28.19-20


Building our Church 

The ACB encourages all those who know their ministry or their gift, through the revelation of the Holly Spirit, to use it with excellence, and those who do not know it yet to search it actively. The ACB lives thanks to its talented members and puts them forward. Thus, its mission is to develop its own spiritual maturity.

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church Matthew 16.18

Our history

André Quimfumu, a Frenchman of Angolan descent, was contacted by Ruth Patterson (1920-2010), a Canadian woman who was active in the Baptist Church and aknowledged by the League of Older Americans. André was baptized in 1985 in France, where he lived since 1984. He studied Theology at the Institute of Nimes. After he answered God’s calling, he was ordained Pastor and started his pastoral ministry with his wife Elysée, in the Evangelical Church which was created on January 9th, 1997, in Marseilles (cultual association 1905). The church moved several times, then settled definitely in 2004, at the 51 Boulevard Sakakini, in the 5th arrondissement (district) of Marseilles

Confession of Faith

The Christian Assembly les B atitudes shares the confession of faith of theUAPM